Welcome to SATES'23

It is our great pleasure to invite you to participate to the International Symposium on Advanced Technologies in Electrical Systems.

It will be held in Arras, France, on the 22nd and 23rd of March 2023 on the campus of the Artois University, Arras, France.




In the general context of sustainable development and strategic resiliency, the conference will cover new usages of electricity and renewable energy resourcesfrom circular economy to safety & security of the electrical supply chain.

The objective is to connect researchers from industry and academia in order to encourage them to work together on common themes. All TRL levels will be addressed. Contributions on feedback from experiences will be very useful and will facilitate discussion on common issues at all levels of maturity and development.




Important dates

22th November 2022

Abstract Submission deadline

15th December 2022

Notification of acceptance

15th February 2023

Full paper submission deadline

22nd & 23rd March 2023




Abstract submission

Prospective authors should submit an abstract of one or two pages (A4) using the online submission system available on this link 

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