Instructions for Authors

Presentation Format

Presentations will be in English. The time allowed is 10 minutes followed by 5 minutes of questions. To ensure the best possible progress of the sessions, speakers are requested to arrive 10 minutes before the start of each session to transfer their slides to the shared computer.

You can find a template for the presentation by following this link.

Submission of full papers

Only original and unpublished papers will be presented during the Symposium. English will be the official language. Slides must be in english, but french speaking will be tolerated.

The deadline to send the full papers is fixed to February, 26th 2023. To submit the full version of your paper : 

  • Use this word template to write your final submission;
  • use your Scienceconf account, and submit your full paper as a new submission,
  • don't forget to proceed to registration.  

Reviewers will evaluate the manuscripts. All papers accepted for presentation will be published in the Symposium Proceedings. A deposit on the HAL platform of each accepted paper will be made at the end of the conference if the authors give their agreement.

The deadline to post the extended versions of accepted papers on the conference's website is February, 26th 2023.


Concerning registration, you can follow this link to access the payment page by credit card only:


For payment by purchase order, please send an email mentioning the amount to be paid and the name of the registrant(s) to the following address:




An award and a price of 500€ for the best paper presented by a young researcher will be offered by an SATES sponsor: EDF.

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